Home >> Pre Katrina Home >> Orleans Parish >> Uptown/ Carrollton District >> East Carrollton

This information is pre-Katrina.
Although the information linked from this page is out-of-date, we are continuing to make it available, as it provides insight about this neighborhood pre-Katrina.

For current data about New Orleans and its neighborhoods, visit our homepage.

Census 2000
Data Tables:

People & Household Characteristics

Housing & Housing Costs

Income & Poverty



Educational Attainment

Immigration & Language


Neighborhood Characteristics


East Carrollton Neighborhood

“In 1875, the annexed territory known as East Carrollton provided New Orleanians with the benefit of a rural atmosphere, access to the city and economic advantage. Wealthy families built suburban mansions along St. Charles Avenue in the present East Carrollton neighborhood. By the late nineteenth century, most development in East Carrollton had occurred. It remains stable and no significant land use changes have taken place. It is predominated by single family, two family and multi-family residences.” [Read more in the Neighborhood Snapshot]

Street map with links to nearby neighborhoods:
  [ Census tract and zip code boundary maps ]

Census 2000 Data Tables: People & Household CharacteristicsHousing & Housing Costs, Income & Poverty, Transportation, Employment, Educational Attainment, Immigration & Language, Disabilities, Neighborhood Characteristics

Home >> Pre Katrina Home >> Orleans Parish >> Uptown/ Carrollton District >> East Carrollton



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Last modified: April 23, 2002