Planning District 12

Click on a neighborhood statistical area below to see data about it…

Algiers Point McDonogh Whitney Fischer Development U.S. Naval Support Area Behrman Tall Timbers/Brechtel Old Aurora Planning District 13
New Aurora — is it in Planning District 12 or 13? The small triangle of land generally known as New Aurora (just west of the Intercoastal Waterway) is a separate Census tract that is included in the English Turn statistical area in District 13. Go to the District 13 page for more information on this decision.
Housing Developments in this district Fischer Development (now Crescent Estates) is a neighborhood statistical area unto itself in Planning District 12.

About neighborhood statistical area boundaries

We’ve chosen the neighborhood statistical area boundaries on this web site to organize and present data. They may not match the boundaries of neighborhood associations, redevelopment corridors, commercial subdivisions, planning efforts, or historic districts. Learn more about how we chose these boundaries…